from an anonymous URL:
the lies... the distortions. I knew it wouldn't be long before the media tore into me (though they still don't know exactly who or what I am).
And no matter how they spin it, without me, that robbery at Wells Fargo would have gone down a lot worse. Marcone's goons don't release hostages....compassion is not what they do. I had to take matters into my own hands.
I wish things had turned out differently. One hostage, an older lady.... her eyes pleaded with me to save her. I just wasn't quick enough... and then she was gone.
But one compared to the twenty that were in that building.... a building wired to explode the moment police made there way through that bank door....
Some saved or none saved... Which is the better outcome?
But no, all you'll hear is that I'm dangerous, a liability. Not a whisper about disarming the bomb or saving the others trapped inside. No, I get people hurt... I get people killed.
It seems the fight for my image might be the only fight I can't win....
- Vigil
Hey all, maybe you've been noticing these around the city too... Matt

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