from an anonymous URL:

on the Lake. Last night baptized my brass knuckles. I decided that I wanted a little bit of a change from the routine so I paid Lake side a visit around 1am....Interesting, presents a whole different set of challenges. Fortunately there was a full moon so I didn't have to use the heat vision glasses that much....Funny, the park is in the middle of the bright city but at night in the tree tunnels there is no light. Definitely makes you more aware.
Maybe I was being cocky or perhaps I just felt a little too comfortable under the night's heavy blanket but I wasn't really trying to hide. I was just walking right down the middle of the trail. The night air was fresh until I caught a whiff of a familiar stench. It was somewhere between the dog-shit and vomitted cheese, I knew exactly what it meant....There were a couple of junkies up in the gazebo.
Technically they hadn't done anything wrong, they were shooting up but they weren't bothering anyone. So I decided to take it easy on them....big FUCKING MISTAKE!
I thought I could just spook them so I turned on the heat vision glasses and set them to take stills every couple of seconds and sneaked up on them. I'm getting soft, taking it easy on people I think haven't done anything wrong. When I told them to get the fuck out of there or go to jail that little bitch pulled a shotgun on me!

I'LL NEVER TRUST A WOMAN AGAIN! The first round hit me square in the chest but the vest held. I cracked her in the face before she could get off another round, then loverboy decided to get into the mix, messed him up good.
Each time I hit him I could feel the bones in his face smash. I finally had to stop because his blood was all over the glasses and I couldn't see. When I got up to pull off the glasses she threw herself over him and begged me to leave....That hurt more than anything, this guy is just some piece of shit and she's willing to die for him. If he lives he'll probably end up whoring her out for more drugs.
I backed off, I could hear him still breathing so I knew he wasn't dead. I walked away and called the ambulance.
....What am I doing?
- Vigil
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