from an anonymous URL:
fan letter, too bad it's from Crimson...seems this was left for me at the Capital City Times.

This is getting out of control...I can't keep up with him. He's always one step ahead of me, anticipating my every response...destruction the only evidence of his existence.
The fires were bad, but this time he's upped the ante with the capture of the mayor's daughter.

And the mayor doesn't get it...there's nothing Crimson wants from him.
Nothing but fear.
With this letter he's purposely called me out and put the life of this girl in my hands.
Were only one step away from anarchy...the death of this child would be all it takes to push this city into an abyss.
The streets are quiet tonight, as if everyone knows tomorrow is the end. I need noise...the silence of a city holding it's breath for a miracle is deafening.
- Vigil
Hey Vigil, we talked about your blog on the first episode of Geek Bombast. You should check it out and let us know what you think. You can find it at