It's been a long time since I've been able to write. So long that I almost gave up on my mission.
It's been over a year...and since then crime has ravaged this city.
I don't even recongize my own town anymore.
During the day, sure, it's business as usual...but at night...the streets are cleared before the sun sets.
People are afraid. Afraid of Crimson, and the wrath he has brought upon Capital City.
Just last month, the dome our our beloved Capitol was blown apart by a deliberate attack by Crimson and his goons. Hundreds were killed, even more injured.
He had no reason, no ransom demand.

He did it because he can...because no one is powerful enough to stop him...because I failed to stop him.
I awoke yesterday morning, opened my eyes...just like every morning.
Except this time...when I opened them...another man was sitting beside me reading the paper.
Startled at the intruder...I grabbed the shotgun lying next to me in the bed, and swung it around and pointed at the man...ready to pull the trigger.
"Who are you, what do you want?" I yelled at him.
He slowly put down the paper, and removed the glasses that were on his face.
"That's funny," he said "I was just about to ask you the same question."
I just stared at him...confused.
After a moment he said..."We'll since you asked first, My name is Adolphus Jackson...and I just want a few mintues of your time."
"Why should I"
He replied, "It took me the better part of a year to find you.....Vigil."
'He knows who I am?' I thought.
He continued, "...and I know you and my niece Stephanie were...shall we say..close."
I lowered my gun. "How did you find out about me? I made sure I covered my tracks everytime." I said
"True...you were fairly thorough...but i figured if Crimson could get to you...so could I....especially with my connections to the FBI...but don't worry your 'secret' is safe with me"
"Why are you here then?"
"To help you answer the question you first asked me...and to get justice for Stephanie. And we both know that the court system now is nothing short of a joke." he said.
"What can I do....I'm just an everyday worthless, handicapped bum that can barely find enough food to eat and a rat hole to live in."
"What if I said I could give you back your true identiy...and...your ability to walk." he said almost in a whisper.
He smiled. "Come with me."
...to be continued.